Proposed Social Media Program 2024
Here are my suggested post types for your blog and social media. I'll provide a bit more context when we speak. (Two logistical notes: post types below are in no particular order, and I've temporarily stood in for Beth Kray's poetry for purposes of post design.)
I would suggest that we plan to post scheduled content twice a week. Additional posts can always be added, but this will give us a way to ensure that your pages are never stale.
This program is designed to do a number of things.
—Support your brand identity in terms of colors as well as content
—Work across all platforms (blog, Facebook, Instagram)
—Direct followers gently toward your website
—Give your social media and blog pages a professional polish that’s up to the standards of successful Christian writers today
—Build toward and from the Peace Path book
—Offer sufficient variety of post types to engage followers and keep your pages fresh
—Make it possible for me to pick up some of the content creation rather than requiring you to write all posts.
—Permit all posts to be pre-made and scheduled; and,
—Accomplish specific goals as needed. For example, the Reader Reflections series is specifically designed to engage readers actively with your pages, while the Vintage Vero series is designed to deepen and utilize your local roots in a way I’ll propose when we speak.